How to say: will you marry me in Cantonese ?1?

How can a man say “will you marry me?” in Cantonese?

nei5 jyun6ji3 gaa3 bei2 ngo5 maa3
nei5 = you
jyun6ji3 = be willing to
gaa3 bei2 = marry to (a man)
ngo5 = me/I/my

So “ngo5 jyun6ji3 gaa3 bei2 nei5”
= (the girl said:) I am willing to marry you.

Some still asked me how to say “how are you?” in Cantonese:
Now that you know how to pronounce “nei5” “hou2” “maa3”, you already know how to say it
“nei5 hou2 maa3 ????” = How are you?

How to say “will you marry me” by a girl to man? Let’s learn it next time.






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