Category: Colloquial Cantonese

  • Common Phrases Mandarin vs Cantonese

    和国语不同的粤语常用词 Mandarin vs Cantonese 粤语打喷嚏的说法是“打乞嗤”,读音为“daa2 hat1 ci1”。 以下是一些类似的与普通话不同的粤语常用词: 打哈欠:打喊露(daa2 ham6 lou4) 打嗝:打思噎(daa2 si6 je6) 流鼻涕:流鼻水(lau4 bei6 seoi2) 咳嗽:咳(haak3) 感冒:伤风(shang4 fung1) 发烧:发热(faat3 jit6) 头痛:头晕(tau4 jyun4) 肚子痛:肚痛(dou1 tung3) 拉肚子:肚泻(dou1 seoi6) 这些词汇的粤拼和普通话的对应关系如下: 粤语 普通话 打乞嗤 打喷嚏 打喊露 打哈欠 打思噎 打嗝 流鼻水 流鼻涕 咳 咳嗽 伤风 感冒 发热 发烧 头晕 头痛 肚痛 肚子痛 肚泻 拉肚子 drive_spreadsheetExport to Sheets 需要注意的是,粤语和普通话在发音上存在一些差异,因此在学习粤语时,需要注意正确的发音。…

  • Cantonese Allegory 粤语歇後語

    [粵語] 歇後語大全 /俚語/諺語 抬棺材甩褲,失禮死人 非洲和尚,黑人憎,乞人僧 徒手手打桌球,無Q用 紙紮下巴,口輕輕 法老王個妹,發老姣 鼻哥窿擔遮,避無可避 年初四咁嘅樣,唔慌好樣 買鹹魚放生,不知死活 番薯跌落灶,該煨 閻羅王探病,問你死未 太監信耶穌,無L得救 晨早放屁,朝氣勃勃 屎忽窟生瘡,無眼睇 墳場發電機,電死人 二叔公排第幾,仲使問 老公荷包 200句(有趣) 歇後語 Watch the rest on YouTube

  • 姣屍扽篤 a funny expression

    You need to be careful where and when to use this expression. 姣屍扽篤 haau4 si1 dan3 duk1 姣屍燉篤,姣屍扽篤- 廣東話解釋 – 粵典 › zidin › 姣屍燉篤   「姣屍燉篤/ 姣屍扽篤」 ; 詞性:, 形容詞 ; 解釋:. (廣東話) 形容女性風騷、放蕩嘅姿態. (英文) flirtatious; promiscuous.  For details click the above link to ================= More: 囫圇吞棗 fat1 leon4 tan1 zou2

  • Beautiful in Cantonese

    Page Editor update: this page encoding (for Chinese characters) was messed up by the hosting database setup. We are trying to restore or improve it.   Date: Jan 26 2023 There are at least two ways to say “beautiful” in Cantonese:   靚 ( colloquial;  means good-looking  as in 靓相 pretty photos; high quality or high class…

  • Happy Father’s Day in Cantonese

    ????? (Traditional: ?????) = Happy Father’s Day ( you may click the Chinese characters to get the pronunciation and click the Play button to listen to the sound). This year it will be on 6/16/2013. We can say ????????? ( June 16th is Father’s Day ). On that day, you should call him and say…

  • Colloquial Cantonese(3)

    Let’s learn how to say “To be or not to be.” 係 hai6 ☆係唔m4係(是不是) = is or not? ☆係咁gam2 (是这样)= is like this ☆係嘅ge3(是的) = It is. ☆係喇laa1(是了) = so it is ☆係嘞laak3(对了) = that is right. ☆係噃bo3(是的哦) = Oh, it is. ☆係吖aa1(是啊) = Yes,(I agree). ☆係呀aa1(是啊) = Yes, (I agree). ☆咪就係囉mai6zau6hai6 lo1 = That’s…

  • Colloquial Cantonese (2)

    Colloquial Cantonese  Lesson Two ? mou5  ( do not have? there’s none) = Mandarin ?,?? This is a Cantonese word. We don’t have it in Mandarin. ???? mou2 mat1 je5 (???) = have nothing at all.It’s nothing.(it’s OK) ???(???)= nothing ?????????mou2 nei5 gam2 hou2 hei3(???????) =have no patience like yours(don’t want to talk to you…

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