Ho Kwok Wing – Speaking Cantonese – ???

?????. ????????.
ngo5 hai6 ho4 gwok3 wing3. ngo5 hai6 jat1 go3 ou3 zau1 gwai2 lou2.
ngo5 = I/me; hai6 = am/is/are/to be; ho4 = river?surname here)
gwok3 = country; wing3 = glory; jat1 go3 = one (person);
ou3 zau1 = Australia;
gwai2 lou2 = a humorous way to call “foreigner(s)”, it does not really mean literately “ghost men”. Even those pretty Cantonese ladies who married “gwai2 lou2”, they say “ngo5 lou2 gung1 hai6 gwai2 lou2 ?????? (my husband is a (white)foreigner. ) And their husbands willingly call themselves “ngo5 hai6 gwai2 lou2 ????”. That’s why Ho Kwo Wing called himself “gwai2 ou2” here.

gwai2 can also be used as an adverb: e.g. gwai2 gam2 lek1(???) means very very smart.
So gwai2 also means genius/spirit (??), not “devil” or “ghost”
He said I’m a foreigner from Australia.

In our Cantonese dictionary, “gwai2 lou2” is a good word while “Chinaman” is a bad word.

Yes, Kwo Wing, we all love you, (gwai2 lou2)!






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