Lesson 4: Where are you from?

Lesson 4 Where Are You From?

English: Where are you from?
Cantonese: nei5 hai2 bin1dou6 lai4
? ? ?? ?
nei5: you
hai2 (Cant.) to be located at; here means from
bin1dou6: where
lai4: come

English: I’m from the US.
Cantonese: ngo5 hai2 mei5gwok3 lai4

English: I’m American Chinese.
Cantonese:ngo5 hai6 mei5zik6 waa4jan4

English: Born in Hong Kong, grew up in the US.
Cantonese: hai2 hoeng1gong2 ceot1sai3 hai2 mei5gwok3 zoeng2daai6

hoeng1gong2 ???Hong Kong
mei5gwok3 ??: beautiful country = America
Please note that in the recording, “lazy” sound “gok” is used instead of “gwok” as in our daily life. We did this on purpose as you should also understand it when you hear it from a native Cantonese speaker.

English: I’m American
Cantonese:ngo5 hai6 mei5gwok3 jan4

Extra in the 2nd mp3 file:
1?Please tell me where you are from.
2?I am from the US.
3?I’m from Canada.???????
4) I’m from Japan.??????
5) I’m from Korea.??????
6) I’m from South Korea.??????
7)I’m from UK (England).?????
8) I’m from Sweden. ??????
9)I’m from the Netherlands.??????
10) I’m from Hong Kong.??????
11) I’m from Macau??????
12) I’m from Vietnam?????? (Note: 1st one jyut6laam4jan4 uses “lazy” sound. 2nd one jyut6naam4jan4 is “correct” or official. We let you hear it because young people are using lazy sound everywhere.)
13)I’m Cantonese.??????
14)I’m from Brazil.??????

Not: in the mp3:
Holland is a very beautiful country.
Formal Cantonese??????????????






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