Category: Cantonese

  • Beautiful in Cantonese

    Page Editor update: this page encoding (for Chinese characters) was messed up by the hosting database setup. We are trying to restore or improve it.   Date: Jan 26 2023 There are at least two ways to say “beautiful” in Cantonese:   靚 ( colloquial;  means good-looking  as in 靓相 pretty photos; high quality or high class…

  • How to Say Please in Cantonese

    There are two words that means “Please” in Cantonese: ? ? ? ?    (this may also mean ask or invite) ??    (this phrase can also mean “Thank you”. Literately it means “not deserved” or “should not (bother you). ”  ) We can use them interchangeably.   The first form is more formal. Examples:…

  • Happy Father’s Day in Cantonese

    ????? (Traditional: ?????) = Happy Father’s Day ( you may click the Chinese characters to get the pronunciation and click the Play button to listen to the sound). This year it will be on 6/16/2013. We can say ????????? ( June 16th is Father’s Day ). On that day, you should call him and say…

  • Happy Father’s Day

    I know that we already have a post on Father’s Day: Happy Father’s Day in Cantonese (new mp3 ) You may also learn how to say it with Jyutping at Learn How to Say “Have A Nice Weekend” in Japanese as well as Mandarin and Japanese

  • Cantonese For Missionaries: Lesson One

    With the help of’s Cantonese Pronunciation Dictionary, we can start some easy lessons for missionary. Lesson One: 1. 神是愛 (God is love). 2. 耶穌是我哋嘅救主 (Jesus is our savior). 3. 我愛耶穌 ( I love Jesus). 4. 我愛耶和華 (I love Jehovah). 5. 神愛世人 (God loves the world). For pronunciation, you may click the above Chinese to…

  • Colloquial Cantonese(3)

    Let’s learn how to say “To be or not to be.” 係 hai6 ☆係唔m4係(是不是) = is or not? ☆係咁gam2 (是这样)= is like this ☆係嘅ge3(是的) = It is. ☆係喇laa1(是了) = so it is ☆係嘞laak3(对了) = that is right. ☆係噃bo3(是的哦) = Oh, it is. ☆係吖aa1(是啊) = Yes,(I agree). ☆係呀aa1(是啊) = Yes, (I agree). ☆咪就係囉mai6zau6hai6 lo1 = That’s…

  • Colloquial Cantonese (2)

    Colloquial Cantonese  Lesson Two ? mou5  ( do not have? there’s none) = Mandarin ?,?? This is a Cantonese word. We don’t have it in Mandarin. ???? mou2 mat1 je5 (???) = have nothing at all.It’s nothing.(it’s OK) ???(???)= nothing ?????????mou2 nei5 gam2 hou2 hei3(???????) =have no patience like yours(don’t want to talk to you…

  • Colloquial Cantonese(1)

    Our colloquial Cantonese lesson series. ???????hou2 ci5 gai1 tung4 ngaap3 gong2 It’s like chicken talking to duck, who can’t understand each other at all. ? gai1 = chicken(s) ? ngaap3 = duck(s) ? gong2 = talk, speak ?? hou2 ci5 = similar to, like Until our next lesson Colloquial Cantonese(2)

  • How To Ask For Permission to Marry His Daughter in Cantonese

    This is a request from a and visitor. The two sentences are: 1)I  love  and respect  your daughter very much. ngo5hou2ngoi3     tung4maai4     hou2zyun1ging3 nei5ge3 neoi5 我  好爱        同埋        好尊敬        你嘅女。 2)I      humbly request your permission to  marry her. ngo5    him1bei1gam2    cing2kau4 nei5 wan5heoi2    ngo5 tung4keoi5 git3fan1 我谦卑咁请求您允许我同佢结婚。

  • CantonesePod is now on Facebook

    In order to interact with our visitors, we have opened our Facebook page, please support us by click this “Like” box bellow and we will release more new mp3 and Youtube videos to learn Cantonese. That’s a promise.

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