Category: Cantonese idioms

  • Common Phrases Mandarin vs Cantonese

    和国语不同的粤语常用词 Mandarin vs Cantonese 粤语打喷嚏的说法是“打乞嗤”,读音为“daa2 hat1 ci1”。 以下是一些类似的与普通话不同的粤语常用词: 打哈欠:打喊露(daa2 ham6 lou4) 打嗝:打思噎(daa2 si6 je6) 流鼻涕:流鼻水(lau4 bei6 seoi2) 咳嗽:咳(haak3) 感冒:伤风(shang4 fung1) 发烧:发热(faat3 jit6) 头痛:头晕(tau4 jyun4) 肚子痛:肚痛(dou1 tung3) 拉肚子:肚泻(dou1 seoi6) 这些词汇的粤拼和普通话的对应关系如下: 粤语 普通话 打乞嗤 打喷嚏 打喊露 打哈欠 打思噎 打嗝 流鼻水 流鼻涕 咳 咳嗽 伤风 感冒 发热 发烧 头晕 头痛 肚痛 肚子痛 肚泻 拉肚子 drive_spreadsheetExport to Sheets 需要注意的是,粤语和普通话在发音上存在一些差异,因此在学习粤语时,需要注意正确的发音。…

  • Cantonese Allegory 粤语歇後語

    [粵語] 歇後語大全 /俚語/諺語 抬棺材甩褲,失禮死人 非洲和尚,黑人憎,乞人僧 徒手手打桌球,無Q用 紙紮下巴,口輕輕 法老王個妹,發老姣 鼻哥窿擔遮,避無可避 年初四咁嘅樣,唔慌好樣 買鹹魚放生,不知死活 番薯跌落灶,該煨 閻羅王探病,問你死未 太監信耶穌,無L得救 晨早放屁,朝氣勃勃 屎忽窟生瘡,無眼睇 墳場發電機,電死人 二叔公排第幾,仲使問 老公荷包 200句(有趣) 歇後語 Watch the rest on YouTube

  • 姣屍扽篤 a funny expression

    You need to be careful where and when to use this expression. 姣屍扽篤 haau4 si1 dan3 duk1 姣屍燉篤,姣屍扽篤- 廣東話解釋 – 粵典 › zidin › 姣屍燉篤   「姣屍燉篤/ 姣屍扽篤」 ; 詞性:, 形容詞 ; 解釋:. (廣東話) 形容女性風騷、放蕩嘅姿態. (英文) flirtatious; promiscuous.  For details click the above link to ================= More: 囫圇吞棗 fat1 leon4 tan1 zou2

  • Cantonese Idiom:Knock on wood

    Some of our fans ask us to pronounce some idioms from 1. 大吉利是 knock on wood (knock the wood). It actually means saying something not quite appropriate at that time so bad luck would come if what is being would come true. 2. 对牛弹琴 play the music to the cow, who cannot understand. Talk…

  • Cantonese Idiom: Cook the phone…(mp3 updated)

    Although Cantonese use almost the same Chinese characters in their newspaper, most of Mandarin-speaking readers cannot really understand what they are talking about. Why? Because they use Cantonese idioms, which have made the language so colorful. Today, we’ll try to start to cover some of those interesting Cantonese idioms as some of our visitors have…

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