Category: Cantonese vs Mandarin

  • Common Phrases Mandarin vs Cantonese

    和国语不同的粤语常用词 Mandarin vs Cantonese 粤语打喷嚏的说法是“打乞嗤”,读音为“daa2 hat1 ci1”。 以下是一些类似的与普通话不同的粤语常用词: 打哈欠:打喊露(daa2 ham6 lou4) 打嗝:打思噎(daa2 si6 je6) 流鼻涕:流鼻水(lau4 bei6 seoi2) 咳嗽:咳(haak3) 感冒:伤风(shang4 fung1) 发烧:发热(faat3 jit6) 头痛:头晕(tau4 jyun4) 肚子痛:肚痛(dou1 tung3) 拉肚子:肚泻(dou1 seoi6) 这些词汇的粤拼和普通话的对应关系如下: 粤语 普通话 打乞嗤 打喷嚏 打喊露 打哈欠 打思噎 打嗝 流鼻水 流鼻涕 咳 咳嗽 伤风 感冒 发热 发烧 头晕 头痛 肚痛 肚子痛 肚泻 拉肚子 drive_spreadsheetExport to Sheets 需要注意的是,粤语和普通话在发音上存在一些差异,因此在学习粤语时,需要注意正确的发音。…

  • Not Sleep Well: Mandarin vs Cantonese 睡得不好 vs 瞓得唔好

    In Mandarin, we say 睡得不好 vs in Cantonese, we say 瞓得唔好 (didn’t sleep well) You can find they were saying this phrase at 2:07 of the following great video about cancer (This is a great video for listening comprehension for Cantonese learners)  

  • Difference between Mandarin & Cantonese

    There are lots of differences between Mandarin and Cantonese even though they share many Chinese characters and even sounds.  Mandarin speakers and Cantonese speakers cannot understand each other unless they learn the other language. Mandarin and Cantonese are two different languages, but Google is continuing its big mistakes by considering Cantonese as the same or…

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