Tag: Cantonese
How to say “I love you” in Cantonese?
So many people asked for this, so I have to post this first. ?ngo5 = I ?ngoi3 = love ?nei5 = you [display_podcast] ??(?)? ngo5 ngoi3 nei5 = I love you. How do you say “you love me”? Just reverse the words: ???nei5 ngoi3 ngo5 (Isn’t Cantonese simpler than English? You bet!) Note: Young native…
Two Minute Cantonese Lesson One: Food(1)
[display_podcast] In this lesson, we’ll learn about food, which is considered “heaven” by us human being. (Updated 6/28/2008: weekly new Cantonese Lesson update will be available from July, 2008) You can use http://www.google.com/reader/ to subscribe to our feed for automatic updatee: https://cantonesepod.com/pods/feed/ (as other RSS readers may not show all the mp3 player in our post…
How to say “question/problem” in Cantonese?
[display_podcast] man6tai3 = question/problem man6 = ask, ask about tai3 = title [audio: MAN6.mp3,TAI4.mp3|loop=yes ]Question/problem: man6tai4?? (auto repeat) So mou5 man6tai4 ??? = “no problem.”[audio: MOU5.mp3,MAN6.mp3,TAI4.mp3|loop=yes ] (auto repeat) ?Credit: some mp3 files are offered by mdbg.net )