Learn Cantonese with OpenAI or ChatGPT

#ChatGPT and #OpenAI can be a helpful tool for Cantonese learners.

You may try it at https://chat.openai.com/chat.

Here’s my try today:

I asked: How to say “Happy New Year” in Cantonese?

AI: “Happy New Year” in Cantonese is “新年快樂” (san1 nin4 faai3 lok6)

I asked: What’s the Jyutping for “恭喜发财“?

AI: “恭喜发财” in Jyutping is “gung1 hei1 faat3 coi4″
Note: AI gives the wrong tone of 喜 , which should be 2nd tone: hei2

I asked: 祝您兔年行大运!in Jyutping please.
AI: “祝您兔年行大运” in Jyutping is “zuk1 nei5 tou4 nin4 hang4 daai6 wan6”
I asked:“恭喜发财” means what?
AI: “恭喜发财” is a phrase that is commonly used during Chinese New Year to express good wishes for prosperity and wealth. The phrase is a combination of two words, “恭喜” (gōngxǐ) which means “congratulations” and “发财” (fācái) which means “to become wealthy” . It’s a traditional way to wish someone to be wealthy and prosperous.
Learn Cantonese with ChatGPT or OpenAI
Learn Cantonese with ChatGPT and OpenAI

I asked: What is the “发” in “恭喜发财“?

AI answer: The character “发” (fā) in “恭喜发财” (gōngxǐ fācái) is a verb that means “to become” or “to make” and in this context, it means “to become wealthy”. The phrase “发财” is a wish for wealth or prosperity, and “恭喜” is an expression of congratulations or best wishes. Together, the phrase “恭喜发财” literally means “Congratulations on becoming wealthy” and is used as a traditional new year’s greetings.
Paul Comments:  “发” (fā) in “恭喜发财” (gōngxǐ fācái), the AI uses Mandarin Pinyin to mark the pronunciation . In Jyutping, “恭喜发财” should be “gung1 hei1 faat3 coi4″ and  “发” ( faat3)

Here’s what I talked about with OpenAI’s ChatGPT: 

Paul:  你懂粤语吗?    (meaning do you understand Cantonese? )
AI: 是的,我懂粤语。( Yes, I do.)
Paul: 恭喜发财粤语是什么?
AI:恭喜发财粤语是 “gung hei fat choi”。
Paul: in Jyuetping 呢?

AI: 恭喜发财粤语在 Jyutping 读音是 “gung1 hoi1 faat3 coi4″。
Paul: 英文意思是什么?
“gung hei fat choi” 的直译是 “恭喜發財”,意思是 “祝贺你发财” 或 “祝你财源广进”。

Paul: 请用英文解释 Please explain it in English.
AI:“Gung hei fat choi” is a traditional Chinese greeting for wishing someone prosperity and wealth. It literally translates to “Congratulations and be prosperous”. It is commonly used during Chinese New Year and other special occasions to express good wishes for financial success and abundance.






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