Category: Video

  • Happy Father’s Day

    I know that we already have a post on Father’s Day: Happy Father’s Day in Cantonese (new mp3 ) You may also learn how to say it with Jyutping at Learn How to Say “Have A Nice Weekend” in Japanese as well as Mandarin and Japanese

  • Learning Cantonese TV Show:3

    ????? (HD ??) From Macao to Australia

  • Cantonese Learning TV Show:2

    As we said in previous post, TV shows are a great way to learn a language and this applies to Cantonese learners. This advanced Cantonese learning TV series come with Traditional Chinese caption ????? (HD ??) Living in Israel Click to watch

  • Cantonese Learning TV Show:1

    TV Shows are a great learning resource for Cantonese students. Here’s a great example: ???? (HD ??) Click more to watch

  • Vivek Mahbubani, Indian Speaking Cantonese

    A great Indian speaking Cantonese A funniest person. I just love him!

  • Corrina Speaks Cantonese

    Corinna Chamberlain (???), a a Hong Kong born white girl,daughter of Australian mother and New Zealand father , has become more than a 50% Hong Kong Native. Sing and speak like a Hong Kong native: The beauty of Corrinna: She can do it, you can speak Cantonese well too. More about her? Cantonese White Girl…

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