Category: youtube

  • Not Sleep Well: Mandarin vs Cantonese 睡得不好 vs 瞓得唔好

    In Mandarin, we say 睡得不好 vs in Cantonese, we say 瞓得唔好 (didn’t sleep well) You can find they were saying this phrase at 2:07 of the following great video about cancer (This is a great video for listening comprehension for Cantonese learners)  

  • How To Ask For Permission to Marry His Daughter in Cantonese

    This is a request from a and visitor. The two sentences are: 1)I  love  and respect  your daughter very much. ngo5hou2ngoi3     tung4maai4     hou2zyun1ging3 nei5ge3 neoi5 我  好爱        同埋        好尊敬        你嘅女。 2)I      humbly request your permission to  marry her. ngo5    him1bei1gam2    cing2kau4 nei5 wan5heoi2    ngo5 tung4keoi5 git3fan1 我谦卑咁请求您允许我同佢结婚。

  • How to Say “Happy Father’s Day” in Cantonese?

    父親節快樂!(Traditional Chinese) 父亲节快乐! (Simplified Chinese) fu6can1zit3 faai3lok3 (JyutPing) father’s day happy You may also download the better sound mp3 for “Happy Father’s Day” in Cantonese below:

  • Learning Cantonese TV Show:3

    ????? (HD ??) From Macao to Australia

  • Cantonese Learning TV Show:2

    As we said in previous post, TV shows are a great way to learn a language and this applies to Cantonese learners. This advanced Cantonese learning TV series come with Traditional Chinese caption ????? (HD ??) Living in Israel Click to watch

  • Cantonese Learning TV Show:1

    TV Shows are a great learning resource for Cantonese students. Here’s a great example: ???? (HD ??) Click more to watch

  • Vivek Mahbubani, Indian Speaking Cantonese

    A great Indian speaking Cantonese A funniest person. I just love him!

  • Corrina Speaks Cantonese

    Corinna Chamberlain (???), a a Hong Kong born white girl,daughter of Australian mother and New Zealand father , has become more than a 50% Hong Kong Native. Sing and speak like a Hong Kong native: The beauty of Corrinna: She can do it, you can speak Cantonese well too. More about her? Cantonese White Girl…

  • Learn Cantonese with Fun (1)

    Learning Cantonese can be lots of fun and romance. When I saw this video on Youtube, I can’t help thinking of putting it here to share with you and teach you how to propose to a girl like Jacky Cheung, At 0:26, he said, “???“ means “I’m begging you.” Now you know to beg/ask/request someone…

  • Ho Kwok Wing – Speaking Cantonese – ???

    Scripts: ?????. ????????. ngo5 hai6 ho4 gwok3 wing3. ngo5 hai6 jat1 go3 ou3 zau1 gwai2 lou2. ngo5 = I/me; hai6 = am/is/are/to be; ho4 = river?surname here) gwok3 = country; wing3 = glory; jat1 go3 = one (person); ou3 zau1 = Australia; gwai2 lou2 = a humorous way to call “foreigner(s)”, it does not really…

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